Restrictions in regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne will ease from 11.59pm tonight (Thursday 24 June), and changes will remain in place for at least two weeks. Read the full announcement here.
Summary of changes to restrictions for regional Victoria
- Work from home requirement removed.
- Retail: Density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm applies when using a COVID-19 check-in marshal, otherwise density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- Hospitality: Density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm applies when using a COVID-19 check-in marshal, otherwise density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.
- Accommodation: Bookings permitted for single households plus 15 visitors (including dependants, but not infants under 12 months).
- For the next week, it is recommended that those travelling to Victoria’s alpine region get tested prior departing metropolitan Melbourne, especially if staying overnight.
- Private visitors to the home will increase to 15 across the entire state – and up to 50 people can gather outside in a public place like a park.
- Funerals and weddings will be capped at 300 people with density limits still applicable.
- Players, parents and spectators can attend outdoor community sport within the total cap of 1,000 people.
- Live music will have greater numbers in pubs, clubs and other hospitality venues across the state, but dance floors are still closed for now.
- Theatres will initially open at 50% capacity, with up to 1,000 people.
- This weekend crowds can attend public events and outdoor stadiums with a limit of 50%, or up to 25,000 people. Subject to epidemiology and the advice of the Chief Health Officer, from 11:59pm, 1 July, they’ll be able to host even bigger numbers.
Please note masks must still be worn inside.
QR Codes
All businesses are now required to use the Victorian Government QR Code Service, unless an exemption applies.
Businesses must ensure that every customer and visitor has checked-in, no matter how long they are at the premises.
A reminder that the enforcement amnesty ends 1 July 2021, and businesses that do not comply with QR code requirements will risk fines from this date.