In late 2021, the Non-Emergency Patient Transport and First Aid Services Act 2016 (the Act) and the Non-Emergency Patient Transport and First Aid Services (First Aid Services) Regulations 2021 took effect.
This has created a licencing scheme for providers of commercial First Aid Services (FAS) in Victoria and establishes minimum standards for the provision of first aid (event medical care) across public events. Public events can range from small scale short duration events, to large single day events, large multi-day live-in events, and events that travel across the state over a number of days.
This means that anyone providing commercial first aid services in Victoria, must be licensed under the Act.
If you are involved in any part of event development and staging, it is important you are aware of the regulatory changes and how these may impact the selection of a first aid provider for your next event.
A list of licensed first aid providers can be accessed on the Department of Health website.
Please click here for some frequently asked questions relating to engaging a first aid provider. If you have any further queries, please direct them to the regulatory team at the Department of Health [email protected].