Tourism North East is currently seeking new skills-based Directors to join its Board in a voluntary capacity for a three-year term.

Expertise in tourism, government advocacy and destination development are particularly relevant, as is the ability to apply strategic thought on a regional level and drive excellent governance practices.

Skills-based TNE Board directors are appointed based on overall skills and not according to geographic locations or industry sectors.

Tourism North East is a non-for-profit regional tourism board, one of Victoria’s 11 regional tourism boards working in partnership with Visit Victoria, industry and a range of government partners to support and develop regional tourism.

TNE’s Board of Directors includes the CEOs of all six of the shires and three resort management boards represented in the High Country, along with six skills-based appointees, who are overseen by an independent chairperson.

If you think you have what it takes to join the TNE Board as a skills-based director, please contact TNE CEO Amber Gardner on (03) 5728 2773 or email [email protected].

For a position description please visit:
