This Winter, learn new skills to help your business at a series of Tourism North East industry workshops.
Click the links for information and bookings.
Tourism North East Speed Networking Night
Tuesday 18 June 5.30pm – 7.30pm
We’re all in this together, a chance to meet and network with new operators from other businesses that complement your offering such as accommodation providers, restaurants, cafes, retail, tours, experiences and visitor support services.
What will you gain? You can learn more about other businesses and what they can offer your guests, visitors or customers. In return you can give them an overview of what your business offers, and the types of guests/customers you attract.
If you run a visitor service, here is your chance to inform others about what you offer, how you are contacted and booked, and what makes your business special.
The night will start at 5:30pm and with a little ‘perfect match’ magic you will be put into a cycle of 10 minute “speed networking” sessions for an hour, followed by time to have a more relaxed chat after being fortified by some excellent High Country beer and pizza.
At the end of the night we will send your business profiles around to all attendees, allowing for connections to keep going.
Creating engaging Imagery – Photos and Video
Bright – Tuesday 16 July 10am – 12 pm
Wangaratta – Tuesday 25 June 10am – 12 pm
What is it that makes the perfect shot and what story are you wanting to tell?
This two hour interactive session will take participants through the various steps needed to create that compelling image or engaging video. The two hours will comprise 4 segments; story telling, scene composition, basic editing and posting to social media and the web. As this is hands on participants will need to bring a smart-phone (Apple or Android) and a laptop for editing.
This session will not make you the next Steven Spielberg, however the hands-on nature of the session will allow you to understand the theory, the tools and how to run your own shoot !
Data Smackdown
Bright 23 July 10 – 12.30
Mansfield 30 July 10am- 12.30pm
TNE has conducted comprehensive research and gained valuable insights into many of the key market segments currently visiting the High Country.This research data is valuable to everyone serving visitors or developing products and experiences to meet their needs.
As the weather is cold and the days are short we will present a super quick ‘top line’ takeout of the findings of each report. Aimed at informing and inspiring you, the data presented will cover:
- Walk High Country
- Wine tourism and cellar door visitation
- Ride High Country
- Cultural Tourism Segmentation
- Agri Tourism Visitor Research
Following this session, the full reports will be made available to participants.
Following this presentation, individual one-on-one mentoring session with TNE’s industry development team who will work with you on how the research findings can be used to best effect by your business.
A trio of information sessions
Thursday 27 June at Brown Brothers from 9.30am
A second session will be held in Rutherglen in August at a date TBC
(N.B.for wineries attendance at all three sessions is relevant – for other tourism businesses attendance at the third session is most relevant although participants are welcome at all three sessions)
Feast High Country Campaign debrief 9.30 – 10.30am
A review of the recent $300,000 marketing campaign undertaken with the support of grant funding from RDV and Wine Australia into the key source market of Melbourne. TNE’s Feast marketing manager, Gill Dobson, will run through the campaign rationale, creative, execution and results.
18/19 Cellar Door Visitation research presentation 10:30 – 11am
In this session we will review the data findings from the Cellar Door research conducted between November 2018 and March 2019. We will look at this data on its own and as a reflection of the changes between this collection and the previous 16/17 survey results.
This session is aimed at wineries and other businesses interested in the behaviour of winery visitors.
Examining the Potential of Melbourne’s Resident Chinese Market for visitation to the High Country 11.30am – 1pm
As a part of the Wine Australia grant Wines of the King Valley and TNE commissioned a body of work from Monash and Melbourne Universities’ Asia Pacific Tourism Laboratory to look at the potential and behaviour of this market. A summary of this research will be presented exploring the questions of:
- To what extent is Melbourne’s Chinese resident population aware of Victoria’s High Country region?
- To what extent would they consider visiting Victoria’s High Country with visiting friends and relatives (VFR)
- What key destination features in Victoria’s High Country appealed to Chinese residents of Melbourne?
- To what extent was visiting wineries or engaging in wine tasting a driver for visitation?
This session is aimed at all tourism businesses.