October 30, 2019

The State Government has announced a suite of new grants now open to High Country tourism businesses.

Agriculture Victoria Small Scale & Craft Program grants
A new blueprint for Victoria’s artisanal producers has been launched with $2 million in grants now available to promote the best of Victorian food, wine and agriculture.

Stream One – Small-Scale and Craft Business Development Grants  of up to $25,000 are now available to eligible small-scale and craft producers, distillers and brewers for projects that support businesses to scale up, expand their operations and diversify their products. Applications for these grants close on 6 December 2019.

Stream Two – Job Creation and Economic Development: Grants of $25,000 – $200,000 are also available to eligible small-scale and craft agribusinesses for significant projects that will deliver benefits to the community and generate jobs. Completed expression of interest forms need to be emailed to [email protected] by 31 December 2019.

Regional Digital Fund

The $45 million Connecting Regional Communities Program aims to improve digital technology and infrastructure across regional Victoria. The Regional Digital Fund is a flexible grant program aimed at supporting a broad range of small-scale digital projects focusing primarily on non- infrastructure projects and digital capability building. The RDF will accept applications at any time.

Click here for more information.

Regional Jobs & Infrastructure Fund

More than $30 million is now available via this State Government regional development fund, aimed at supporting community projects, and assisting councils build the infrastructure locals need.

The Regional Infrastructure Fund will is offering grants of up to $500,000 to councils and council-sponsored projects. Applications open on 6 November and close on 18 December 2019.

Click here for more information.