Tourism North East has welcomed the most recent Federal and State Government announcements of new funding support for small businesses in response to the Coronavirus.
The Federal Government yesterday unveiled the JobKeeper program to further support businesses and employees impacted. Under the new arrangement, businesses will be able to access a subsidy of $1,500 per fortnight per employee for up to six months to continue to pay employees a wage so they can keep their jobs and continue to earn an income.
The JobKeeper Payment may also be available to sole traders. Click here for more information.
Click here to find out more information about your eligibility for the subsidy and to register for the JobKeeper program.
Small Business Support
In addition, the State Government has just launched a $500 million Business Support Fund to help small businesses in Victoria survive the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The Fund is part of the Victorian Government’s $1.7 billion Economic Survival Package and aims to help small businesses highly impacted by shutdown restrictions. Those businesses can apply for a $10,000 grant towards operational costs and to help keep people in work.
To be eligible, businesses must already employ staff, have payroll of less than $650,000 and a turnover of more than $75,000. Click here for full details on eligibility and how to apply for assistance from the Business Support Fund.
Free VTIC Membership
The State’s peak tourism industry body, the Victorian Tourism Industry Council, VTIC, in conjunction with the Victorian Chamber, is also offering support to tourism businesses in the form of free introductory membership to VTIC including an Essentials Package of free online resources and information, a full suite of communications and access to member discounts and guides until December 2020.
Tourism North East Workshops and Online Learning
TNE is currently developing online learning tools and virtual workshops to keep tourism businesses abreast of current market trends, assist with evolving your operations to better meet customer demand, review your online presence, digital upskilling and other general guidance operators may need to drive long term sustainability and success.
These industry workshops are free (unless stated) and open to all tourism businesses within the TNE region. Please visit the TNE Eventbrite link regularly as new sessions will be added weekly.