May 13, 2020

Following extensive statewide testing for C-19, the Victorian Government this week maintained Stage 3 lockdown rules until the end of May.

Visits to family and friends were added to the existing allowable reasons for travel – shopping for food and other necessary goods and services, accessing medical services or provide caregiving, attending a workplace or place of education if unable to do so from home, exercise and participating in some recreational activities.

The Premier, Daniel Andrews, emphasised the need for Victorians to maintain social distancing rules, while announcing a slight relaxation of measures including allowing hiking and other outdoor activities in some places for groups of up to 10. Most National Parks were opened this week.

Campgrounds and holiday accommodation are to remain off limits during this phase.

Click here for full details of Stage 3 restrictions in Victoria.

High Country tourism businesses can access a range of Federal and State Government support during this time. Click the links to find out more: