December 20, 2020

It’s critical that every Victorian business continues to operate in a COVIDSafe way to help protect the Victorian community. 
As Victorians return from Sydney in response to the border changes, every business has the opportunity to increase their level of vigilance and drive home COVID Safety messages in their own business operations and with their customers.
•           Every Victorian business that is open must have a COVIDSafe Plan
•           Face masks are strongly recommended and must be carried at all times when outside the home
•           Keep records and act quickly if workers become unwell
•           Continue to practise good hygiene and physical distancing
•           Limit the number of people, workers who are in close contact where possible.
For more information, please visit the Coronavirus website or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.
Key Information
From 11:59pm 20 December, the Greater Sydney area and the Central Coast will be designated as a ‘red zone’. That means people who live in these communities, or have visited these communities since 11 December 2020, cannot enter Victoria.
Anyone from this zone found trying to enter Victoria in breach of this order will be subject to 14-day mandatory hotel quarantine.
Victorians who have recently visited or are currently in Greater Sydney and the Central Coast, other than those in the Northern Beaches area, will be given until 11:59 Monday 21 December to return home.
The rest of regional New South Wales remains a green zone, but residents in these areas will still need to apply for and receive a valid permit to enter Victoria.
Those living in local government areas along the border will not need a permit but will instead be able to use their driver’s license as a passport to travel between Victoria and New South Wales.
For more information, see the Premier’s media release.