To help businesses manage the impact of the recent ‘Circuit Breaker’ COVID-19 lockdown, the Victorian Government has announced a number of grant funding streams.
For full details on all grant programs head to the Business Victoria website here. In summary the programs are:
Business Costs Assistance Program – closes 16 March 2021
Eligible businesses with an annual payroll of up to $3 million can receive a one-off grant of $2000, whether they have employees or not.
Find out more here.
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund
Eligible businesses who received a grant through the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund will receive a further one-off payment of $3000 to help with costs incurred as a result of the circuit breaker action. Businesses that receive this payment will not be eligible to receive a grant from the Business Costs Assistance Program. You do not need to apply for this payment.
Victorian Accommodation Support Program – closes 16 March 2021
This will support accommodation providers whose bookings were cancelled due to the circuit breaker action to limit the spread of COVID-19. Businesses that also receive the Business Costs Assistance Program will receive a reduced amount through this stream.
Find out more here.
If you would like to discuss the grants or get advice on your eligibility contact Sarah Pilgrim at Tourism North East on 0408 352 701 before Friday 12 March 2021.