TNE + VTIC | Mansfield Information Briefing

Join TNE and the Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) in Mansfield next Wednesday evening 1st May to hear the latest updates on the new Typsy online tourism training program, the Quality Tourism Business Program, the Victorian Tourism Awards and more. Whether or not you’re a VTIC member, come along and join us for an information update – and a get together.

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Introduction to child employment for employers

Children under the age of 15 years can be employed in Victoria. When undertaken safely and in accordance with the law, it can provide a great introduction for children into working life and can assist employers with their labour needs. This short course by Wage Inspectorate Victoria outlines an employer’s responsibilities when employing children under 15.

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Tourism Emissions Reduction Program

Whether your business has already begun its sustainability journey or is just starting out, the Australian Tourism Industry Council’s new Tourism Emissions Reduction Program can provide you with an estimated carbon emissions report and a tailored emissions reduction plan.

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Register now for our April Industry Forum

When did you last review and refresh your social media marketing plan? Join the TNE team on Tuesday 23 April for our upcoming Industry Forum to discover new tips and tricks about all things social media – your online travel agent. 

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2024 Victorian Tourism Awards – Entrant Information Session

Interested in entering the 2024 Victorian Tourism Awards? Join the TNE team on Wednesday 17 April to step through the process together, in a group setting, and hear from an award winning business owner about their own experiences with the Tourism Awards submission process over the years.

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VTIC Vision Summit – 16 April 2024

Join the Victorian Tourism Industry Council on Tuesday 16 April to explore what’s on the horizon for Victoria’s visitor economy. With the theme of ‘Focus on Growth – the $16 Billion Opportunity’, this year’s Vision Summit will focus on key factors that will influence industry achieving the expected growth in total tourism spend over the next four years.

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Unlocking Accessibility: Workshops for inclusive business practices

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your accommodation business by embracing accessibility and inclusivity? Join us for an empowering workshop with Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS), an NDIS Partner in the Community, where we’ll explore the benefits of creating a welcoming environment for people with disabilities in your business.

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