In 2022, the Victorian State Government announced $8.5 million in funding to support the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements project. To support the delivery of the project, Tourism North East is the lead agency, working closely with the Rural City of Wangaratta, Indigo and Alpine Shires.

Use the below links to find out more about the project and its progress.




To progress the detailed design for the Rutherglen silo murals, Tourism North East, in collaboration with Indigo Shire Council, were pleased to facilitate several community consultation opportunities throughout November and December 2024.

We had 50+ participants attend an in-person discussion held in Rutherglen on November 27th, and received a total of 77 survey responses (digital and hard copy).

We are grateful to all of our engaged community members, businesses and organisations who have participated and offered their thoughts and insights on the suggested themes and concepts for the artwork. Following the session, this valuable feedback was provided to Ronan Holdsworth, the selected artist, to help inform his creative development and the final artwork design.

What we heard

We asked:
In your view, which of the following themes would the Rutherglen community like to see portrayed in the proposed silo artworks?

You answered:

We asked:
In your view, are there any themes missing from this list that you would like to see explored?

You answered:

How we’re responding

The insights and feedback gathered from the community in November / December was invaluable in supporting Holdsworth to develop his creative response to the brief for the site - ‘Deep Roots’. 

We are thrilled to announce the final design that has been approved by the Project Steering Group, the panel members of which include Indigo Shire Council, Tourism North East, the silo asset owner, a member of the Rutherglen Community and the Project Creative Director.

This final design captures Ronan’s unique style, his appreciation for the natural environment and inspired use of colour. 

The design also includes themes that were identified as important by the community – viticulture, Gold Rush and First Nations history, native flora and fauna, and agriculture.


We are pleased to introduce the Rutherglen silo precinct mural designs, titled 'Birds of Seasons'.

*Artist impression - subject to change.
*Artist impression - subject to change.

From the artist:

‘Birds of Seasons celebrates the local fauna that subtly guides the rhythm of life in the region. These small, beautiful birds have historically played a vital role in signalling the changing seasons to First Nations peoples and farmers alike. 

The migratory birds, native blooms and position of the sun on each individual silo work together to represent each of the four seasons. 

Within the forms of these birds, intricate details reveal seasonal crops, golden veins and specific markings inspired by goldrush-era maps, and unique land patterns informed by stories and lore from the local community. The combination of these elements intertwines past and present, nature and culture. 

This mural series invites viewers to appreciate the intricate connections between wildlife, the land and the seasonal cycles that define the region.’

Tanks from left to right:

Winter - The Eastern Spinebill Honeyeater & Common Heath

Autumn - The Red-Capped Robin & Billy Buttons

Summer - The Yellow-Tufted Honeyeater & River Red Gum

Spring - The Pink Robin & Flannel Flowers

What comes next

As work commences on the Rutherglen silos, periodic updates will be shared via our website.



We are thrilled to be working with Ben Gilbert of Agency of Sculpture to revitalise the Beechworth Railway Precinct into an inclusive civic space to complement the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail experience.

This exciting project will see innovative nature play, art installations and landscaping elements as well as a new public toilet block and lighting solutions to improve both the safety and ambience of the Beechworth Railway Precinct.

*Artist impression - subject to change.
Shade Pavilion
Shade Pavilion
Flying fox and basket swing
Flying fox and basket swing
Public amenity block
Public amenity block


Q. Why are the silos being painted with a mural?

A. The Rutherglen Silo Precinct is included in the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancement Project as a strategically important site.

Not only are the silos situated in the heart of Rutherglen, they sit at the trailhead of the Murray to Mountains Trail section (between Rutherglen and Wahgunyah) and the soon to be completed Rutherglen Loops Trail Network.

The commissioning of artwork on the silos will deliver a culturally significant point of interest for the town, driving awareness and visitation.

Q. How was the artist chosen?

A. The Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancement Project, managed by Tourism North East, has followed a robust creative selection process for artworks commissioned as part of the project.

A cultural symposium (open to the public), was held in November 2023 to collect thoughts and ideas from community members about the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements Project. The inputs gathered informed both the site selection and creative territories for the project.

Furthermore, artists from across Victoria were invited to submit an EOI to participate in the project. The EOI was open for six months and artists from all disciplines were welcome to submit their credentials.

The Creative Team, DAE Global, proceeded to curate a program of works through a series of direct commissions and selected pitch opportunities to create a dynamic enhancement collection across trail network.

Ronan Holdsworth was chosen as the mural artist for the Rutherglen site following a competitive tender process. All submissions in the competitive process were assessed by a selection panel. Panel members included Indigo Shire Council, Tourism North East, the silo asset owner, a member of the Rutherglen Community and the Project Creative Director.

Q. When will the concept be finalised?

A. The appointed artist will develop the concept over the coming months and once the creative development has been completed, the final concept images will be shared with the community.

Q. How much is this costing?

A. The Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancement Project is supported by the Victorian State Government via an $8.5 million grant. The grant was announced in the 2022 Victorian State Budget.

The aim of the project is to increase visitation and expenditure within the High Country region through the development of improved products and experiences.


Q. Where is the Beechworth Railway Precinct located?

A. The Beechworth Railway Precinct is located to the south of Beechworth township, off Albert Street, between Harper and Railway Avenues.

Q. Why is Tourism North East involved in this project?

A. In 2022, Tourism North East secured $8.5 million in funding from the Victorian State Government to support the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements project.

As such, Tourism North East is the lead agency, working closely with the Rural City of Wangaratta, Indigo and Alpine Shires to deliver the project.

Q. What is Indigo Shire’s involvement?

A. Tourism North East is working closely with Indigo Shire Council to deliver the project. Indigo Shire Council have been involved in the development of the strategy, selection of sites, community consultation sessions and the development of all artist briefs within the Indigo Shire.

The Council will also oversee the installation of all works on the site as the land manager.

Once the works are completed, they will become an asset of Indigo Shire Council.

Q. What is happening to the Goods Shed?

A. The Goods Shed is an important building within the precinct, however the funding secured is specifically related to rail trail and will be used to improve the external area of the precinct.

Noting that the goal is to activate the Goods Shed in the future, the improvements to the landscaping within this project will support any future activation of the building.

Q. Why is this project being prioritised over others?

A. The funding secured is specifically targeted at improving the user experience of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail.

Funded via the State Government’s Tourism Portfolio, the project aims to:

  • Make the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail the pre-eminent rail trail in the Southern Hemisphere
  • Drive repeat visitation and advocacy to the trail through enhancing the user experience for locals and visitors alike
  • Inspire, delight and encourage talkability and social shareability to position the trail as a ‘must do’ accessible cycling experience to local, domestic and international audiences
  • The outcomes of the project will improve the product offering of the High Country’s tourism portfolio and provide more reasons for people to visit and stay longer

Q. Who is going to maintain the assets moving forward?

A. Once the works are completed, they will become an asset of Indigo Shire Council.  Within the creative brief, Agency of Sculpture has been asked to consider low maintenance solutions in their response to reduce the maintenance requirements over the life of the assets.

Q. This area has been prone to vandalism in the past, how will this project discourage such activities?

A. To improve the accessibility and safety of the precinct, Tourism North East in collaboration with our creative partners and Indigo Shire Council will be exploring lighting solutions for the main precinct and stretch of trail between Albert Road and Billson’s Street.

Q. How will the works at this site maintain the historical integrity of the Railway Precinct?

A. The historical significance of the site is one of its greatest assets. The purpose of this project is to highlight the existing buildings and their history, while improving the amenity to make the site a user-friendly space for people of all generations to enjoy.


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