November 22, 2022

Caravan parks play a critical role in delivering accommodation options for visitors.

The Caravan Parks Grant Program supports eligible, privately-owned caravan parks with plans for infrastructure upgrades.

There is a total of $10 million available to swiftly upgrade or create new infrastructure or park assets, including facilities to enhance the visitor experience.

Grants between $10,000 and $100,000 will be available to successful applicants. Grants must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar (or more) basis for successful applicants.

Applications are merit based and open now. Applications close on 22 December, 2022. 

Please note, if you are looking to apply to this program and require a letter of support from Tourism North East, please give the team as much notice as possible to assist you.

Click here to read the eligibility criteria.

Click here for the Caravan Parks Grant Program Guidelines.