March 1, 2023

It’s EPIC, it’s linking the townships of Beechworth and Yackandandah and it’s officially opening on March 15th.

The Indigo Epic Trail is a brand new All Mountain single track mountain biking trail connecting the vibrant, historic towns of Beechworth and Yackandandah. Built to an intermediate blue rating, this incredible mountain bike trail will offer something for everyone, packed full of features and running through some of the most spectacular scenery in Victoria’s High Country.

Join Indigo Shire Council and Tourism North East on Tuesday March 7th (via Zoom) to discover this fantastic new asset to the region.

Take a sneak peak at the marketing and launch plan and hear from TNE on the ever-growing cycle tourism opportunities in Victoria’s High Country.

When: Tuesday March 7th, 10am – 11am

via Zoom

Click here to register