February 2, 2023

Tourism North East (TNE) is the peak organisation representing the tourism industry of Victoria’s High Country.

With the assistance of tourism planning consultancy Urban Enterprise, TNE are preparing a Destination Management Plan (DMP), which aims to establish a shared vision, goals, strategies and actions to guide the growth of Victoria’s High Country visitor economy from 2024-34.

In preparing the DMP, we are asking our valued industry members and stakeholders to complete a short 10 minute survey to understand industry challenges and barriers faced in Victoria’s High Country, whilst also identifying opportunities for the visitor economy. This will ensure the plan responds to unique local conditions, values and aspirations.

To complete the short survey, please CLICK HERE. 

Complete the DMP survey before February 24th and be in the running to win a High Country gift pack valued at $200.

Please note: No responses will be disclosed nor distributed to any third parties. Results obtained are aggregated and will not be disclosed or publicised. Confidentiality of results is ensured.