In February 2018 Visit Victoria announced a price increase for ATDW listings - the first in 10 years - so now is a great time to create or renew an ATDW listing.​

From 1 July 2018 the new fees are:

  • $295 for a standard listing
  • $120 for businesses accredited through ATAPEcotourismAuscamps, or RVMAP
  • Not For Profit listings remain free
  • Event listings remain free

Download a one page overview of the benefits of ATDW listings

At less than a dollar a day ATDW listings offer significant marketing benefits for tourism businesses operating in Victoria's High Country, including:

  • Business listings appear on the State tourism website, the three High Country regional websites plus one or more of the 17 destination websites serving the region, as well as a number of other distributors.
  • Businesses benefit from state and regional marketing campaigns that drive website visitation. The state, regional and destination websites achieve over 8.5 million visits and 25.4 million page views per year.
  • Listings are designed to drive conversion (click-through) to your website and preferred booking system (if applicable) and achieve an average click through rate of 12%.
  • Listing on the ATDW helps boost your own website Search Engine Rankings by having high visitation state and regional websites providing links to your own website.
  • To be eligible for inclusion in TNE's PR and media famil activities a business must have an ATDW listing.

Visit Victoria provide a help desk for tourism businesses to assist with creating and optimising the effectiveness of your ATDW listing, if you need any assistance contact the helpdesk on 1300 306 366 or [email protected]
