March 17, 2023

Join us for our April Industry Forum, where we’ll share current information and discuss topics relevant to tourism businesses in Victoria’s High Country.

Tuesday 4 April, 10am-11:30am, via Zoom.

Click here to register.


1. Welcome – Tourism North East

2. Presentation of TNE’s latest research piece: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Audience research (by Quantum Market Research), focussing on Chinese, South East Asian and Indian markets.

Hear about:

  • Perceptions of Victoria’s High Country
  • Insights that will inform marketing, communication efforts and tourism product development
  • The mindset behind how these visitors plan, book and visit

3. Presentation by Visit Victoria to understand strategies for the Chinese, SE Asian and Indian markets, and how High Country operators can leverage these efforts.

As we continue to work through this period of recovery in tourism, we encourage you to join this industry forum to help you make informed decisions about where demand exists and ways to maximise the opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you there – click here to register.