Ride the Cycling Boom!
Two initiatives - the Cycle Friendly Business Program and the new Ride High Country Preferred Business Program - are now available to help business operators benefit from the current boom in cycle tourism.
More than 100,000 annual visitors to North East Victoria cycle, contributing nearly $50 million to the regional economy.
Both the Cycle Friendly Business Program and the new Ride High Country Preferred Business Program aim to help businesses appeal to this important and growing tourism market and offer opportunities for businesses leverage Tourism North East’s marketing channels and cycle related media.
Those operators who wish to offer a more comprehensive service to cycling visitors by listing on the new ridehighcountry.com.au site as part of the Ride High Country Preferred program.
For more information visit our website or if would like assistance in making your business cycle friendly please contact:
Eddie Wilson, Industry and Product Development Manager
[email protected] or 03 5728 2773 to discuss.