Trail Running Open For Business
Tourism North East is seeking submissions from suitably qualified individuals, companies, or organisations within the private sector interested in a commercial trail running business or event series in the High Country.
TNE envisages this could include current outdoor activity providers looking to diversify their offering to include trail running, or potentially new operators to the region. Events would be regarded as a key driver for this market, providing runners with a safe and supported way to explore new environments.
The main aims of this project would be to:
- Create a leading trail running series across Victoria’s High Country.
- Drive visitation through trail running, with industry and stakeholders observing marked increases in trail runner attendance.
- Identify relevant partnerships to leverage maximum return on investment for the program with efficient investment levels.
In order to achieve these objectives, an EOI has been designed to identify suitable candidates with appropriate financial resources, management and development expertise in the appropriate business operation; and technical capacity to develop the required business.