This research will be conducted via an online face to face discussion via Zoom. The interview will be conversational about your experience using the Victoria's High Country Vistor App. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask all participants to provide honest feedback.
To participate in an interview you give your consent for the Zoom session to be recorded.
The session recording and notes taken by the interviewers will be used to collate survey responses.
All interview notes and comments will be de-identified, meaning there will be no personally identifiable information in the collated survey results, analysis and final report.
We will not share your contact details with any other parties.
In appreciation of your time and effort all interview participants will be given a $80 gift voucher to redeem for products or services from a list of 10 High Country businesses.
After you submit this form you will be forwarded to a page to confirm your interview time. You will also receive an email with a link to this page should you wish to do this later. Your registration will only be confirmed once you click on the link and register an interview time.